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Impression Is The First Pleasure
Buying a Cimarron
Welcome I assume that if you have found this page you are thinking to buy a Cimarron Uruguayo.
- The Cimarrons are a active breed, so you need to think if
this is what you really are looking for.
If you buy a cimarron from me I would like you to do the following so I can evaluate my breeding.
* Hip X ray between 18 - 24 months old
* Show your dog on NAT or INT dog show at least 3 times
* Train your dog in ex agility, hearding, obediance, tracking (because it is a activ breed)
If you are intrested of a puppy from a combination reservation has to be done and approved by me.
Send me email by the contact form to be on the intrest list for theese upcoming litters. Price 1500 euro, if you live outside Sweden you have to pay the cargo cost if you dont pick the cimarron up your self.